
Saitek JI3G Cyborg 3D Gold USB JoyStick Review

Saitek JI3G Cyborg 3D Gold USB JoyStick
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I've had my share of joysticks in the past, and have never really been satisfied with any of them. This is due, in part, to my being left handed and not wanting to 'stick with my right. The Cyborg is different. This is a joystick that is truly a joy to use. The most readily apparent feature of the Cyborg that sets it apart is the ability to adjust the various parts of the stick. Not only can you swap things around from right handed mode to left handed mode, but you can also adjust the depth and angle of the thumb triggers on the top of the stick. You wouldn't guess that this is a comfortable stick just by looking at it; it is very industrial looking. But I have not had any of my usual hand cramps or sore thumb joints using it. The buttons are arranged in such a way so as to make four of them easily accessible without adjusting your grip on the stick (trigger and three thumb buttons). You also have an 8 direction hat in easy reach. I find the buttons to have a nice amount of play (very little), though this is a personal preference, and they all have an audio and tactile response. One of the nicest features of the Cyborg is odd looking external spring at the base of the stick. This spring not only gives the joystick a nice amount of resistance to movement without making you really torque on it to get to the extreme angles, but it also keeps the stick perfectly centered when you aren't applying pressure. Every other joystick I have used relies on internal methods in the base of the unit for centering, and all of them inevitably fail, resulting in annoying drift. The only potential drawback to the Cyborg is that it isn't force feedback. That's great for me because I have found FF devices to be pretty silly, but some folks like them. For a sturdy, reliable, comfortable joystick, I have yet to find anything that comes close to the Cyborg.

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Product Description:
Designed to suit any player and any joystick-oriented title, theversatile Cyborg 3D Gold USB joystick features both a customizable, ergonomicgrip and fully programmable controls. Featuring four buttons, twocommand-doubling shift buttons, a rotary throttle wheel on the base, three firebuttons, and an eight-way point-of-view (or "hat") switch on the top of thecontrol, the Cyborg boasts up to 24 programmable functions plus a trigger andpush throttle. The included Saitek Gaming Extensions (SGE) software lets youquickly and easily assign button functions and also allows you to createspecific profiles for different games, auto loading them into the joystick atthe start of a game.
A built-in hex head wrench allows you to modify the head tilt, head roll, palmrest, and throttle for flexible left- or right-handed gameplay orientation. Andthe comfortable, rubberized palm rest, minimizing fatigue during prolonged play,can be raised or lowered to accommodate either small or large hands.
For flight sims, the precise 3-D twist function of the stick offers smooth,precise rudder control. And for driving games, in which the joystick is steadilypushed forward for acceleration, the stick's long-throw, spring-loaded tensionand accurate electronics provide excellent tactile response.
Featuring easy-to-use USB plug-and-play connection, the Cyborg 3D Gold USB iscompatible with both PC and Mac computers. It comes with a one-year warranty.

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