
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Review

Street Fighter Alpha 3
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If one were stuck with having to make a desert island selection of PSX games (on the unlikely event you were to be stuck on a desert island with only your PSX, a big tv, and all the electricity you'd need), it would be hard not to grab SFA3 as I can think of no other game (even includingnon-fighting games) that has earned so many hours of replay.Capcom reallycleaned up the fighting engine used in alpha2, giving the game a muchsmoother feel, while also managing to incorporate air combos without makingthe game feel spastic (it is rather thrilling for instance to be able toknock someone in the air with guile and then immediately hit them againwith his blade kick.)Throws have been made more difficult, but since thecommand is specific, throws are much more precise. Beyond the improved gameengine you can now select from three different chracter types called -isms(no, you arn't chosing your character's political affiliation!)Anyoneremember slash and bust mode from Samurai Shodown?The three differentmodes customize your character, Xism being similiar to play in Super StreetFighter 2 Turbo (quite a mouthful), with one big super, no air blocking,but takes and gives out more damage.Aism is standard Alpha fighting modewith multiple super moves, air blocking, etc.while V-ism gives yourcharacter a shadow which repeats the attacks of your character (alsoappearing in SFA2).These are not the only differences between modesthough, as most characters actually have one or two different moves in thevarious modes. Were this not enough, SFA3 has incorporated every characterin the SF series so now you can play Honda, Blanka and T-Hawk (should youhave the desire to do so.) On top of this, there are several options whichwill add hours of game play to this already fantastic game.First is theworld tournament mode where you can build your character into an unstoppablefighter.The ability to customize characters in this mode andbring them into versus games or even normal arcade games is very exciting. The ability, for instance to make a 32 level Shin Akuma that can do hisRaging Demon move every 10 seconds, and if the move connects, your opponenttakes 60% damage...well it is a great way to work out your aggressions. Also there is the fun of making characters that can use the best of all the-isms (Aism character that can do V-ism custom combos).You can even giveyour character the chain-combo option like SFA1 and Dark Stalkers. Otheroptions are even crazier.My favorite is the ability to team up withanother player against the computer. On the PSX you must play ryu and ken or two of the same characters. Survival mode is also quiteenjoyable if you have made a 32 level character and you want to fight asmany characters as quickly as you can.Infinite survival model lets you takeyour skill as far as it will go!This game is not for everyone but if youenjoy fighting games (even if you have not enjoyed the other street fightergames) you should give alpha 3 a chance.If you are a street fighter fan,then you must purchase this game.

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Product Description:
ALL-TIME CLASSIC. FOR SONY PLAYSTATION VIDEO GAME SYSTEM. SUPER FUN. GREAT FOR COLLECTORS. HERE IS SOME INFO ON THE GAME. The third in the Alpha series has a total of 31 fighters, the most in the series so far. New characters include old favorites E. Honda, Blanka, Vega, Cammy, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, Juni and Juli. Some of the newest fighters on the block include a former Final Fight character (Cody, who has been in jail since the last Final Fight game, or so his clothing suggests), Karin Kanzuki and Rainbow Mika.The major difference between this Alpha and the last two are the new play modes World Tour, Arcade, VS, Training and Entry.World Tour - Simply choose your fighter and travel around the world, fighting the home town heroes that you run into. The more fights you win, the stronger you fighter becomes. You can also learn new moves, and there are three levels of Super moves to choose from before you start each round (called Isms).Arcade - A simple conversion of the arcade version. Beat each fighter with your chosen warrior, in three rounds per match (much the same as past versions of Street Fighter)Versus - Two human players battle it out.Training - A good way to learn all the super moves that are available, against a dummy.Entry - If you save your character during the World Tour mode, you can upload him here to use in the other modes in the game (especially handy for Training).Finally, if you complete certain areas of the game three new fighters become available, including another old favourite in Guile, Evil Ryu and Shin Akuma.

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