
Saitek J24C X45 Flight Control System Joystick and Throttle (USB) Review

Saitek J24C X45 Flight Control System Joystick and Throttle
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This product is quite fully featured for its intended use.The three major axes of motion (x,y and throttle) were rather stiff, but are adjustable to the users preference!
The unit is also programmable from a "button" point of view (i.e. keyboard macros) *and* from an axis point of view.This is important because it incorporates three additional axes that can be used (two thumbwheels and mini rudder "pedals" built-in to the forward side of the throttle handle).These other axes can be mapped to various features in your game software as well.In addition to that, there is a tiny "hat" switch that can be mapped to operate the mouse cursor in game...this truly means you never have to remove your hands from the controls...
Now, for the "not-so-good" stuff.IF you are running WinXP and IF you install the drivers right out of the box, you are in for some trouble and inconvience.At the end of the install from the CD, it mentions downloading a newer version of the drivers and to be sure to "un-install" the current ones before loading the new ones.Unfortunately, complying with these instructions also unloads your regular mouse driver as well.This is where you learn how to shut down your system using strictly the keyboard.Fortunately, once you reboot, XP re-installs your mouse driver and all is well.
One last thing:If you are using a USB hub that derives its power from the computer, your new Saitek joystick WILL NOT FUNCTION when plugged into that hub.I have a good Linksys USB hub that says it derives power from the computer, but also comes with an external supply.The Saitek would NOT work unless the external power was plugged in.Just a word to the wise.
Overall, I am quite pleased with my Saitek X45.

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Product Description:
The SAITEK X45 Digital Throttle & Stick combination, combined with contemporary flight-sim or gaming software, provides the most realistic flying experience available. Combining pro-feature content with authentic aeronautical styling, both Throttle and Stick propel gameplay to another level, supplying an impressive instrument set to complete the most complicated of maneuvers. Built to a precision engineering spec, the X45's on-board features are complemented by unlimited programming power and auto-configuration for each game played.Throttle Features - 2 Fire Buttons4-Way Hat SwitchThrottle Control with DetentsRudder Control2 Rotary Analog Controls8-Way Mouse ControllerSystem Requirements - Pentium 133MHz+ class processor, USB port, Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP, DirectX 8.1 compatibility

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