
NBA 2K1 Review

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Maybe I just got spoiled with the winning streaks I could amass in NBA2K. I don't know, I just don't enjoy 2K1 for the simple fact that it regresses in as many areas as it moves forward. Game play may be much more realistic, but it's not as much fun. The pace is slower unless you bump the game speed to "fast", then it seems a bit too fast. The graphics are still top-notch for the players and court, but the crowd has gotten much more pixellated. Play issues include players who no longer run close enough to the basket to dunk when the ball is passed to them (remember in 2K, they'd stand right under the thing?). Now they run to within a couple feet of the hoop then move back out a couple more, meaning you have to have to drive around the ridiculously adept defenders to do anything but take short jumpers. It's all but impossible to drive the lane against any but the worst teams. Those guys come out of nowhere to block your path! I'm usually able to blow out the 2K guys by 20-30 even on all-star difficulty. On pro difficulty in 2K1 I can barely win against the loser teams.
What I like a lot:- Illegal defense calls are done correctly! No longer can the center just lurk right under the basket waiting for blocks. (Drat, there went half my strategy :-))
- The street courts. They simply rock! The ambient sounds in the background and the crowd make it feel very real.
- Internet play! And it really works nicely. I was worried about lag, but it's a non-issue and the connections seem to be stable.
- Swat blocks
- The old teams....but why on earth doesn't the 80's West team include Kareem?!
What I don't like at all: - Head coaches no longer get their names called during the courtside intro! Why for crying out loud on a 1 GB disc couldn't they include 60 more little .wavs for the announcer instead of "And introducing...the HEAAAAAD COACH!"? Very lame.
- The commentary on star players. Living in Utah, I play the Jazz a lot and I'm already sick of the extended comments by Rod about Karl Malone's perfect physique....ugh! It happens every game.
- Bad crowd graphics. They add to the atmosphere as usual while playing, but you sure don't want to get close with the zoom on a reply.
- A number of players don't seem to have names during the commentary. John Starks is one, and few rookies get announced as anything but a number.
- The rosters are not completely accurate, although this shouldn't be too big an issue if they stick to their promise and have downloadable updates.
I wish there was a 3? star rating, because I just can't call it 4. I like the game and the series very much, but this one just rubbed me wrong. Maybe it just needs to grow on me ;-).

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Product Description:
NBA 2K1 Sega of America, Inc

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