
$100,000 Pyramid Review

$100,000 Pyramid
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I was thrilled with this game!The graphics are terrific and look just like the show, and the animated celebrites that give you the clues are adorable.Die-hard fans of the $25,000/$100,000 Pyramid will thoroughly enjoy this game, which has to be the most outstanding PC-adaptation of a game show ever made.
However, I found the following weaknesses.Many of these are incredibly minor, but hardcore $100,000 Pyramid fans will appreciate reading them...
1.Others have said this, but it bears repeating: no Dick Clark?What the...C'mon, guys, you can't have the $100,000 Pyramid without Dick Clark! 2.Again, to repeat some of the above reviews: what's with the theme music?If I can find the REAL theme music and somehow replace it, I will.The music they have is *blech*. 3.In the real show, when you get to the winner's circle, you first try for $10,000.Then, if/when you make it a second time, you try for $25,000.Then, the fastest winners are brought back for a tournament to win $100,000.With this game, it's $5,000 then $10,000, then $25,000, then $50,000 then $100,000 (or something like that).Blech.Stay true to the original game show, guys. 4.Clues that the animated celebrites give in the bonus round are often illegal.For example, one time when I played, the subject was "Things that are refrigerated."The celebrity said, "Milk, so it doesn't spoil."On the television show that would be "buzzed."You can only list items; you can't elaborate or get descriptive like that.This happens way too often. 5.On the television show, after each round, whether in the preliminary game or the bonus round, Dick Clark will usually reveal what the real answers were, often times suggesting good clues.Nothing like that happens in this game, and the user is often frustrated by not knowing what he was previously trying to guess. 6.Annoying music plays during the actual game play.Totally unnecessary.During the preliminary rounds there should be no sounds at all except for the "ding" when you get the answer, and during the bonus round, there should be nothing but the "chirps" of the time clock. 7.This is really nit-picky, but the view that you look at during the bonus round is awkward.It looks like you're seeing the winner's circle from the back row of the studio.I'd rather see the same view you see on TV; mainly, a side view of both players, with a cutaway of the current subject block from the board appearing on the bottom in the center. 8.In both the preliminary rounds and the bonus round, the animated celebrities always say little things like, "Impressive!" and "Nice going!" after you type in the right answer.That never happened on TV, and it is a waste of time, not to mention annoying.
To be fair, here are some things that I considered to be pleasant surprises...
1.After you quit each game, there are hilarious little television commercials that play during the closing credits("Some departing contestants will receive...").Cute! 2.The game has "7-11" and "Mystery 7" categories, with very authentic-looking logos.Great! 3.The opening sequence has a view of the stage that looks incredibly true to the television show.They even super-impose the words, "The $100,000 Pyramid" over the bonus round playing board, just like in the opening of the television show.
Not hearing Dick Clark say, "Here is your first subject...GO!"and not having the original theme music is disappointing, but all in all, a terrific game, and I look forward to more Sierra versions of classic game shows.

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Product Description:
The $100,000 Pyramid from Sierra provides an interactive experience true to the original gameplay mechanics. Players will appreciate the nostalgic depiction of the original Pyramid TV series that ran from 1973 through the early '90s. From the familiar pyramid kiosk of categories to the animated celebrities and fast-paced play, The $100,000 Pyramid from Sierra is sure to be a refreshing, nostalgic addition to any virtual game closet.

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