
7th Guest Review

7th Guest
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Trapped in the haunted mansion of the mad toymaker, Stauf, with no memory of your past, you must seek out your past ... your purpose ... the fate of the six murdered guests, long ago ... and the seventh guest. To beginwith, this is *not* an action title.With this game, you can give yourflying fingers a rest.Everything's connected with puzzles, and there areno time limits (though you may wish there were when you hit your twentiethdead end in the Maze and hear Stauf say, "Feeling ... lonely ...?" again ... ). Puzzles, puzzles, puzzles.A profusion andplethora of puzzles in prodigious plentitude.Switch puzzles, sliderpuzzles, card and coin puzzles ... even the old game of Jump-Away.(Playedwith knives on a pentagram, mind you ... )And with each puzzle solved (thegame can even solve them for you) you learn a little more about whathappened on that long-ago night. The puzzles range from, "Okay,this is tricky", to "HELP! ".But with all thewalkthroughs out here on the 'Net, plus the hint book in the library,you'll muddle through eventually. Graphics:This game is beautiful. The knives, the cards, the house itself ... everything is in fully-rendered3-D, with remarkable shading and texture.Mind you, this takes somecomputer time ... the Minimum Requirements list a Pentium 133MHz.My P100made it, but the MIDI tended to stall sometimes. Sound:Speaking ofMIDI, this game is loaded with it.Eerie, haunting refrains accompany mostof your actions, while screams, moans, and eerie footsteps whisper in yourears.I've worked in a professional haunted house ... these guys are GOOD.That said, the voice acting is a hash.Most of the actors are almostlaughably bad, playing a gam-ut of emotions that result in an almost campyatmosphere. Note I said "almost".Stauf has the biggest partin the game, and he knows how to work it.The actor really leans on it,but the character is a dyed-in-the-wool villain anyway ... he can take it. The children, on the other hand ... .You'll have to hearit for yourself.It's chilling. On the whole, a solid game, with fewflaws.

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Product Description:
Near the Hudson River lies the village of Harley. Somewhere in this village, Henry A. Stauf, a famous toy maker, built his mysterious mansion. Stauf has invited six guests to his newly completed mansion, but they soon discover themselves locked inside. Now they have to find a way out, but all they find are puzzles in every room. Only one person can solve these puzzles and find a way out. That person is you, the 7th Guest....

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