
Star Wars: Starfighter Review

Star Wars:  Starfighter
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First let me say that I love Star Wars.That's anything about Star Wars; I have seen all six movies (I'm sure some of you have too) and have played all the games that have come out with the name Star Wars on it.With that aside let me just say that this was probably the best Star Wars game to come out since Tie fighter, the only exception being Jedi Power Battles, which was fun, but not in the same way.Star Wars Starfighter is a space combat game that uses a flight sim control style that falls just short of the realism provided by Tie fighter, but what was lost in the realism was gained in the terrific graphics.I was completely blown away by the canyon runs and full-scale space battles.The movies themselves did not contain such spectacularly large and complex space fight scenes.I became dizzy at some points and just had to pause the game to try and get my bearings again.Truly a marvelous piece of programming.
My only complaints about this game come from features that existed in other games provided by Lucas arts that were missing from this one.The most notable is the non-existent map.Perhaps I couldn't find it but in either case there was no map and without one the complicated space battles turned into allot of spinning over and over again looking for the place I'm supposed to go.The next problem is the limited control over the armament and selection of ships.In most other space combat games by Lucas Arts you are able to select what ship you wish to fly and what armament you want on your ship.Additionally during combat switching between shields, weapons, engines and the like all added that much more fun to the game.This one on the other hand functioned like an arcade game and did not provide such complications, which could be good for some players.
For those of you that loved tie fighter and x-wing then you will appreciate the advancements that have been made with Starfighter.Increasing the difficulty level until your ship turns into stardust on the first training mission makes up for its rather short playtime.So go out rent it, buy it, borrow it from a friend, but by all means play it.

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Product Description:
Star Wars Starfighter is finally here, and, as expected,it serves up Wookiee-sized portions of action and adventure. Flyingfrom either a first- or third-person perspective, players must fighttheir way through 14 sprawling missions that weave together the livesof three seemingly unrelated pilots. Set during the same time period asStar Wars: Episode I, the events in Starfighter parallelthose of the movie, letting players participate in the conflict againstthe Trade Federation from a slightly skewed perspective.
Although the main missions can be completed in an afternoon, it cantake weeks to earn the bronze, silver, and gold medals that unlock thegame's bonuses. These include extra missions, a few two-player modes,and the ability to choose any ship for each mission (including DarthMaul's incredibly powerful Infiltrator).
Most of the missions are intense, involving efforts like racing throughan enemy-infested canyon or defending a base against a ceaselessprocession of droid air and ground forces. The game engine can throw anoverwhelming number of 3-D objects on the sc at once--such as amission where more than 50 hostile fighters swarm nearly a dozen largecapital ships. The beauty of these large battles is mesmerizing, withlasers crisscrossing, massive explosions thundering all around, andconstant radio chatter alerting players to new threats.
The controls for the various fighters and bombers are extremely basic,and combat is straightforward, but there is always so much going on atonce that the game mechanics almost need to be simple. The only realdrawbacks to the game are a few bugs that occasionally crop up andprevent us from completing missions, and the fact that planetarymissions have a low "ceiling" that prevents us from climbing very high.Even with these faults, the game exceeded our expectations, and no

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