
Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

Batman: Arkham Asylum
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Video games haven't been too kind to Batman.Often times when we think of a Batman game, the first thing that comes to mind is that the game just isn't going to be all that spectacular.What is it about the Batman that hasn't always worked in the past?It's hard to point out.What we can point out, however, is that Batman Arkham Asylum doesn't fall into that category.In fact, it is easily one of the best Batman games to be released.From its humble beginnings, the game is fine tuned video game that does most of what it does incredibly well.

Let's begin with the production values.This is by far one of Arkham Asylum's strong points.The game begins with the Joker being caught and taken to Arkham Asylum, but he seems to be pretty non-chalant about it, and Batman doesn't like that one bit.And it turns out he was right to be suspicious.The Joker springs a trap and Batman is caught in the middle.Now he's trapped inside the Asylum with the Joker controlling things, as well as several other adversaries.

One of the nice things about Arkham Asylum is that it presents its story very well.The art style feels comic book like, but it doesn't skimp on the overall visual presentation either.There's a lot of artistic flair and technical goodness to behold with the graphics.Most of the environments look fascinating and will really draw you into the game.The tone is perfect.The other good aspect is the voice acting.If you remember that Batman: The Animated Television series you'll be surprised to see its the same voices.Kevin Conroy is Batman and Mark Hamill is the Joker.And the voices are done very well.The production values of the game are absolutely stellar.

Of course, a game just isn't much if it only goes off of visual flair alone.In the past gameplay seems to be one of the areas in which Batman games often stumble.In the past the games have had a hard time crafting together good gameplay elements or sometimes being unreasonably clunky.This is mostly Batman's past.The games sometimes felt rushed.This isn't the case with Arkham.In fact, the game mostly keeps things pretty simple.The combat is really easy to pick up on, having you string together simple combos.But the game hardly devolves into button mashing.This is because your enemies will take advantage of the situation, and the game makes sure you can't rush head on into things.First and foremost, most of your foes are willing to take advantage of their surroundings.Second, you can't go head to head with several enemies all toting guns at once.This is definitely not a beat 'em up kind of game.In fact, in some areas, caution and stealth are required.

There has rarely been a Batman game where you actually feel like Batman.In some places you'll be able to swoop down and leave your enemies hanging from gargoyles... or perform a glide kick or use some of Batman's gadgets to get the job done.For such simple gameplay concepts, there are actually quite a few ways to implement them into the game.The game also lets you upgrade and improve on your techniques as you progress.So there actually happens to be quite a bit of variety.

At the same time, though, the game is accessible to just about everyone.You can also enter what's called "Detective Mode" if you so choose.Within this mode, Batman can see certain things he otherwise couldn't.You can tell where your enemies are easier and find some hidden goodies.You'll no doubt be playing a large portion of the game in this mode, but it's very worth it to do so.Choosing not to means missing out on some of Arkham Asylum's secrets, and there are a lot of secrets.The most prominent of which is that you can find riddles scattered all over that will unlock lots of different things for you to do.You'll also be able to unlock small character bios and audio samples about certain characters.These are other things that really make the game come alive in its own way.And in the midst of all this, the game doesn't appear too challenging or intimidating.

That's not to say you won't be challenged.You will.Particularly when you reach something new.It's nice to know, however, that the game isn't overly difficult.It's just to say that when trumping through it at least doesn't feel easy.When helping you get acquainted to things, Arkham Asylum is pretty easy going.But once the game takes away the training wheels you may find yourself hitting a few snags every now and then.

The visual look of the game isn't all that adds to the game's atmosphere.So does the music and so do some of the animations when you're fighting.Sometimes it's fun to battle just to look at some of the animations as they take place.Other times exploring can be absorbing because the music really knows how to set the tone.Arkham Asylum has a lot of strength, but the game seems well aware of just what those strengths are.

There's really not much that keeps Arkham Asylum down.In many ways it's exciting to play a Batman game that's good.After getting several Batman games that felt like a throwaway of the license, Batman Arkham Asylum feels like a breath of fresh air.Most of its gameplay conventions have been done before, but it's mostly how the game mixes them together that works well, and the absorbing atmosphere it emits in the process.Batman fans might find themselves pleased by this one.It's a simple game to play, but there is definitely a lot in it that could keep you busy for some time, and a lot to explore.It's great to see a Batman game come to fruition, and to do it so smoothly.

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Product Description:
Batman: Arkham Asylum is a single player, third-person action/adventure in which the Dark Knight is forced to take on his greatest challenge yet when he is trapped by arch rival, the Joker, within Gotham City's facility for the criminally insane, Arkham Asylum. A blend of exciting arcade style combat and stealth mechanics packed with amazing graphics in a moody, immersive setting, Batman: Arkham Asylum offers diverse gameplay options that push the envelope for all action, adventure and superhero games.

Kick it in combat gameplay.
And stealth action.
Match wits with The Joker.
Utilize utility belt gadgets.
Viewlarger. Story
Batman: Arkham Asylum features an original story penned exclusively for the game by famous Batman author and five-time Emmy award winner, Paul Dini, whose credits include "Lost" season one and "Batman: The Animated Series." As the game begins Batman is personally delivering his nemesis, The Joker, to the asylum at Arkham Island, but he is uneasy. Although the Arkham asylum is well fortified, he has a nagging feeling that all is not well, which proves to be the case when seconds after turning The Joker over to the guards, the master criminal breaks free of his captors. Even more surprising than this quick turn of events is the revelation that it was never The Joker's intent to escape the vault-like facility, but instead to trap Batman there. Surrounded by an asylum full of dangerous criminals, many of which he put there and all at the beck and call of the Joker, can Batman survive and discover what is behind the Joker's intricate plot?

In Batman: Arkham Asylum players strap on the gadget-heavy utility belt of the Caped Crusader. Gameplay here is a combination of both the knuckle crunching rush of hand to hand combat as you take on the hordes of thugs that infest Arkham Asylum, and stealth gameplay in which you must dispatch individuals from the shadows. Players can expect an engrossing single player campaign in which Batman continually moves forward to face the henchmen, bosses and traps that The Joker has set for him. With regards to opponents, in addition to The Joker who you will hear more than you see, the dark walls of Arkham also hold familiar villains from the the Batman criminal universe including Harley Quinn, Victor Zsasz and Killer Croc, that you will have to deal with, but don't expect a one-dimensional experience. As players progress from environment to environment within Arkham they will have to use varying combinations of muscle, detective skills, gadgetry and a certain degree of light RPG-like leveling of Batman's skills, arsenal and physical characteristics to survive and discover what The Joker's underlying scheme is.

In addition to the story-driven single player campaign Arkham Asylumalso contains various additional play modes. These include an arcade styledcombat mode where players accumulate points by engaging hordes of thugsin a hand to hand slugfest across a series of maps, in which Batman'sphysical strength and agility play a major role. The key here is to chaintogether as many attacks as possible due to the fact that with each successfulcombo players increase the point multiplier associated with their actions.The game also features a time-based stealth mode where players must honetheir ability to strike silently from the shadows. This gameplay, referredto as 'Invisible Predator' utilizes the Dark Knight's skill with gadgetslike the grapple tool, batarang and explosives. These allow for vertical/horizontalmobility, the ability to quickly strike from above and at a distance andto take out enemies and create distractions, even through walls. But rememberthat Batman works solo and is not superhuman. Your enemies will congregatearound trouble areas and work as a team against you, so you must besilent, plan your attacks wisely, strike quickly and discover the valueof encouraging fear within enemies.

Key Features

    Utilize the unique FreeFlow combat system to chain together unlimited combos seamlessly and battle with huge groups of The Joker's henchmen in brutal melee brawls.
    Investigate as Batman, the world's greatest detective, by solving intricate puzzles with the help of cutting edge forensic tools including x-ray scanning, fingerprint scans, 'Amido Black' spray and a pheromone tracker.
    Face off against Gotham's greatest villains including The Joker, Harley Quinn, Victor Zsasz and Killer Croc.
    Become the Invisible Predator with Batman's fear takedowns and unique vantage point system to move without being seen and hunt enemies.
    Choose multiple takedown methods, including swooping from the sky and smashing through walls, and use the predator camera get a closer look at the action.
    Explore every inch of Arkham Asylum and roam freely on the infamous island, presented for the first time ever in its gritty and realistic entirety.
    Experience what it's like to be Batman using batarangs, explosive gel aerosol, the Batclaw, sonar resonator and the line launcher.
    Unlock more secrets by completing hidden challenges in the world and develop and customize equipment by earning experience points.
    Enjoy complete superhero freedom in the environment with the use of Batman's grapple to get to any place you can see, jump from any height and glide in any direction.

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