
Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage Review

Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
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This game rocks. It's simple and addictive. It's not like those other Final Fight clones, (a.k.a. Dynamite Cop, Zombie Revenge, Fighting Force, etc.)where you lose intrest fast. This game is longer then the others andis much deeper in play. The gameplay is purely hard-core... just perfectlyaddictive. It's the type of game where you forget about the story and justwant to hack and slash your way through. On the other hand... The story isso beautiful. It makes me want to forget the gameplay. Not only are thegameplay and story good but the sound is too. It drives me nuts. The voiceacting, swords swinging, and blood squirting makes it sound sweet. Now someof you might have douts about this game because of the recent Final Fightclones.... Well forget them... This game rocks this world!The onlydrawback is that about half of the gameplay makes me want to hurl. There isjust toooooooooooooooooooooooooo much blood and gore. So if your a guy wholikes a good story, great gameplay, excellent sound, and a whole ocean ofblood.... THEN BUY THIS GAME NOW!

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