
Super Scattergories Review

Super Scattergories
Average Reviews:

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This game is great fun - whether playing by yourself or with others.The additional 'rounds' - different from those in regular Scattergories - are challenging and enjoyable for anyone who loves word games.In fact, I mustown up to being somewhat addicted to this game...
The one problem is thatI've had to reload the game several times.There's some glitch that willsuddenly shut the program down mid-game - obviously very annoying - atwhich point I am unable to restart it.I don't know whether this problemis something unique to my particular CD or something wrong with mycomputer, but it can be very frustrating, irksome and definitely detractssomewhat from the fun (as I keep having to hope it won't suddenlystop).
I would still recommend it highly to players of all ages despitethis problem - like I said, it might not be a rampant glitch, and the fundoes highly outweighs the frustration... although my other warning concernsits addictive qualities...

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