
Backyard Basketball Review

Backyard Basketball
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Don't get me wrong though, I like this game.But even the hard level is child's play.However, this game is designed for kids 5-10.I like it, but it is too easy.My best game so far was 132-12.I think that even a 5 year old wouldn't have a problem kicking everyone's butt in this game.Its fun, and anyone who likes the other Backyard games (hockey, soccer, football, baseball) will like this one.
- Very simple controls
- Not hard for little kids
- No offensive content (it is, however, targeted to younger persons)
- Way too easy for older gamers (e.g. 9-12)
- Gets stale and repetative after awhile
Altogether this is a good game, but if you are over age 9, this one will be way too easy and you shouldn't get it.Otherwise, you will like this one.It's fun, just too easy, which is why the younger audience will like it.

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Product Description:
Backyard Basketball (WIN/MAC CD-ROM), Product #22673

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