
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010 Review

Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010
Average Reviews:

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I've only been introduced to the series for about a week now and I was playing Cabela's Big Game Hunter on the PS2. Now I know the game isn't the greatest due to the graphics and it being an older system and all, but the only aspect of the game that gave me a problem was the fishing aspect. In the newer version Cabela's Gig Game Hunter 2010 the graphics have made a huge leap in the right direction and some of the in game chalenges are quite fun to play. If you didn't enjoy the fishing portion in the older games than this one is for you, fish are spared in this game and I'm glad.

If your not into the whole hunting game and don't want to shell out $40 than I say at least rent in and enjoy the graphics as well as hunting big game animals.

P.S. No real animals were hurt durning the making of this game.

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Product Description:
A first-person oriented hunting game with action integrated into the storyline and mission play, Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010 challenges players to hone their skills as hunters, trackers and outdoorsmen in a quest to join a the world's most exclusive hunting club. In order to do this players take on a series of hunting challenges and mini-games armed with their wits and a diverse arsenal of weapons that they will use against both big and small game from around the globe.

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