
Riven: The Sequel to Myst Review

Riven: The Sequel to Myst
Average Reviews:

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Riven is a visual masterpiece. Set in a beautifully rendered world of still images and animated cut scenes, Riven takes you through an intriguing story and wonderfully creative places. Riven isn't just a pretty gamethough... it is composed of challenging (and often frustrating) interactivepuzzles that must be solved to complete the game.
If you've played gameslike the 7th Guest, or Myst, you'll find Riven challenging. If you've neverplayed any puzzle-based games before, you'll find Riven insanely hard. Ifyou are not familiar with interactive puzzles, I would highly recommendstarting with Myst. Not only is it easier and almost as beautifullyrendered as Riven, but it'll do a great job priming you for the moredifficult puzzles you'll encounter in this game.
While I cannot praisethe creators of Riven enough for the depth of their creativity, I cannotrecommend this game to just anyone. Riven is perfect for the avid puzzlesolver, but much too difficult for the casual game player. Younger children(and most teens) may lose interest in this game very quickly, as thepuzzles will often stop a player dead in their tracks until they can musterup the brainpower to figure them out. If you're looking for action, thisisn't the place you'll find it.
On the other hand, Riven contains noviolence, and is definitely a game that will make you think. You can't saythat about many games these days, which is one of the reasons why this gameis perfectly suited for a more cognitive crowd.
Riven gets four out offive stars because I believe that some puzzles may be out of the reach ofmost people without the use of a hint book. Regardless of this drawback,it's one of the best games in it's class... and I highly recommend it.

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Product Description:
Prepare to enter a world "torn asunder" by timeless, unresolved conflicts--a world of incomparable beauty, intrigue, and betrayal. Prepare to go to Riven. Journey through vast, awe-inspiring landscapes, where clouds sit nestled in a deep blue sky and the rolling sea waters shimmer from bright morning sunlight. But be forewarned: nothing is quite as it seems. Reclusive beings and mysterious creatures populate the land. Deep, dark secrets lay hidden at every turn.Your utmost powers of observation and reason are required to complete a most elusive task. You must let Riven become your world. Only then may the truth be discovered and a world be saved. Riven stands as a story for all time, a story that evokes a sense of awe, wonder, and profound purpose. Prepare to go to Riven --a world unlike any you've ever known.

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