
Crash Bandicoot 2 Review

Crash Bandicoot 2
Average Reviews:

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If you like Mario games, you'll enjoy this game.It's a challenge to complete the game 100%, so if you're the obsessive type, this game will keep you occupied.It's also fun for the less obsessive- you can see theending without completing it 100%.

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Product Description:
Let me go on record and say that I was never a fan of the original Crash Bandico Even though Crash was disarmingly cute and fuzzy, and even though the game's graphics were just about as good as they got in those days, the frustrating design of the game made playing it such a painful experience that I still have flashbacks when I see small marsupials on the Discovery Channel. But just one short year after his debut, Crash is back in a sequel that is so far superior to the original that I'm willing to forget the mistakes of the past. The new storyline is simple: A very gullible Crash is corralled into collecting crystals for the evil Dr. Cortex and gems for the terrible N. Brio. There are 25 levels in all; each level contains an easy-to-find crystal and hard-to-earn gems. Instead of being forced to approach the game in a strictly linear fashion, you progress through a series of five warp rooms. Each warp room contains five levels, which you are free to tackle in any order. After you have found the crystals in each level, you can progress to the next warp room. This system of warp rooms is a great innovation; it's clear how to progress in the game, and yet you have the option of moving to a different level if you're hopelessly frustrated with one area. Best of all, you can save your game in the warp room at any time (a big improvement over the original game's horrific save system).

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