
Mortal Kombat Armageddon Review

Mortal Kombat Armageddon
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This review will detail the features of the Wii version. If you wish to know more about the game as a whole, there are plenty of other places to look.

Wii Exclusives:

Wiimote Motion Control
Wiimote Training Video
Wiimote Training Mode
Khameleon Character (From N64 MK Trilogy)
Endurance Mode
Fastest Load Times (3 Seconds compared to PS2's 9 Seconds)
Sharpest Graphics

There is a demonstration video showing you how to use the new motion controls...you can also test them out in the practice mode.

I had absolutely no problem adapting to the controls, and I much prefer them to the standard button input and can't imagine going back. It's not always accurate...I'd say it's about as accurate as the button inputs would be. The motion controls are just for special moves and the kreate-a-fatalities in Arcade mode.

Tilt steering is supported in Motor Kombat of course and Menu navigation is a breeze with the Wii remote as a laser pointer style mouse.

IF YOU ARE TURNED OFF BY THE WII CONTROLS, both the GAMECUBE and CLASSIC CONTROLLERS are supported as an alternative! You can even play with a combination of control types.

The only thing missing is the online play, and I'll leave it up to you weather that is a big deal of not...It really depends on if you play games online. I don't, so I don't mind.

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Product Description:
Mortal Kombat Armageddon Wii

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