
Dead Space Review

Dead Space
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Dead Space is a game that has achieved instant classic status with me. There's just no other way to say it. After finishing the game, I came to the realization that the game had me on edge the entire time I was playing. This game really succeeds at sustaining an atmosphere that keeps you on the edge of your seat with the certainty that just around the next corner is something particularly vicious waiting to sink its teeth into your flesh. You are never given a moment's rest and they really amp the tension up way past what would probably be considered healthy levels.

I'm not one to ruin stories and I'm not making any exceptions here, except to say that this game would appeal to anyone with an appreciation for horror and sci-fi flicks, especially movies that combine the two genres like Aliens, Event Horizon and John Carpenter's version of The Thing. This game proudly wears its influences on its sleeve and manages to produce something genuinely great out of its many forefathers. The creative team behind this title did their homework and it shows. From the very beginning, I was pretty much glued to the controller.

GRAPHICS: Astounding. One of the things that make this game such an incredible experience is the sheer scale and design of the levels. It has the fusing of metal and flesh aspects of Doom 3, the lighting of Bioshock and levels with large areas like something you'd see in Ninja Gaiden 2.Certain portions of the game have moments where you just have to stop, look around and take it all in because you can just "feel" how large your surroundings are. I don't know if that makes any sense but I'm sure when you play the game, you'll know what I mean. The design on the monsters owes a lot to the nasty, tentacle ridden horror flicks of the early 80's and these critters enjoy popping out of nowhere, screaming and growling. I thought the creatures were really impressive and definitely serve as formidable obstacles in your path to finding out what the hell is going on in the overrun ship the story takes place in.

SOUND: Wow. I may have to go on record as saying that the sound in this game is probably the best I have heard in ANY game to date. If you have surround sound and have been feeling like your speakers haven't been very active lately, don't worry because this will probably be your new demo disc when showing off your sound system to any of your pals. This is the kind of game that uses sound mixing and design to make the game even better, creating an incredible atmosphere of fear and tension that like I said before, just doesn't let up. Whispers, dripping water, wet, squishy sounds coming from the air vent above you, faraway screams, babies and adults crying, chanting, inhuman grunting, moaning, laughter.... all sorts of things that you DON'T want to hear in the dark corridors of a monster infested ship. The weapons sound nice and loud. I honestly believe that the sound in this game is its best and strongest point. Seriously, it would most likely be an injustice to the sound designers to not play this game with a proper surround setup and the volume high up.

GAMEPLAY: Great and fluid controls. Only become a very minor problem when you get crowded by monsters as the close quarters combat isn't the greatest. Still, not too much to whine about.The inventory and map interface is great, coming up as a digital hologram in real time. Cool moments like bouncing around the walls while in zero-G and being in vacuums add to the game. You upgrade your weapons with power nodes which are very valuable and scattered across the levels. Creatures are dispatched easily when you shoot off their limbs but usually take a lot of hits if you're just aiming for the body so it lends a whole strategic kind of thing to the mayhem.All of which happens in nice, gory detail.

Bottom line: If you have any desire to feel terror and dread for a good respectable stretch of playtime, look no further. This one pulled no punches and left me freaked out and jumpy on many an occasion. I have absolutely no regrets on picking this up as it earns its "M" rating by delivering a truly scary experience. I have a feeling that this one is gonna be a sleeper hit.

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Product Description:
Dead Space from EA is sure to please any action-adventure gamer looking for a bloody battle against deadly aliens. Dead Space for Xbox 360 begins when a massive mining ship, the USG Ishimura, comes in contact with a mysterious alien artifact and suddenly loses its communications with Earth. Engineer Isaac Clarke is sent to repair

Deep Space pits Isaac Clarke against deadly aliens. View larger.

Zero-G game play allows you to walk on walls and the ceiling. View larger.

EA delivers an incredibly frightening experience with state-of-the-art graphics and effects. View larger.

Neutralize the attacking enemies with weapons and telekinetic powers. View larger. the Ishimura's communications, but arrives to find a floating vessel that has become a complete bloodbath. The crew is mutilated and infected with an ancient alien scourge. Clarke's repair mission is transformed to one of survival as he fights to save himself and return the artifact to the planet at any cost.
Fight with Weapons and Telekinesis
The alien hordes are incredibly resilient. You'll have to find creative ways to neutralize the attacking enemies by shearing off limbs with powerful weapons. And when the ammo runs out you'll be thankful that you can use your telekinetic powers to pick up objects (even the aliens' own severed arms and legs) and hurl them at your advancing enemies.
Graphics, Effects, and Sound Increase the Horror
EA delivers an incredibly frightening experience with state-of-the-art graphics and effects, an audio system that will have you jumping out of your seat, and a truly horrific atmosphere that is permeated with death, mutilation, and despair. You'll have to be resilient to slash through the alien onslaught and stop this virulent scourge. As you explore the ship, the tragic story of the USG Ishimura will unfold in gory detail as you discover frantic logs from the hideously transformed crew in their final days.
True Zero-G Effects
You'll be able to take full advantage of zero gravity in Deep Space. Battling enemies and solving puzzles takes on new challenges and present ingenious opportunities with the Zero-G game play. You can use zero gravity to create your own path around obstacles by walking on walls and the ceiling. Leap across vast distances or change your perspective to gain a strategic advantage over your enemies.

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