
NC INTERACTIVE Guild Wars Special Edition ( Windows ) Review

NC INTERACTIVE Guild Wars Special Edition
Average Reviews:

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I have played a few different rpg's but I really like this one because I can choose to play alone OR have a group. Plus I don't have rely on others to play efficiently. Oh yeah and the best thing is once you purchase the came....it's FREE play. Gotta love it.

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Product Description:
Guild Wars is a new kind of MMORPG experience. It eliminates the less exciting aspects of world-map play by using a mission-based design, while keeping the features that make online role-players great. Make new allies in towns or outposts, form a party, and then go tackle a quest together. Your party always has its own unique copy of the quest map -- so camping, kill-stealing, and long lines to complete quests are all things of the past. As you play your quest, you have unprecedented levels of freedom: Your magic can build bridges and open up new pathways, or it can burn down forests and villages. Best of all, you'll never meet new players that you can't play with or compete against, because their characters are on a different Server than yours. In Guild Wars, all characters live in one seamless world.
Special Edition includes bonus DVD, "Art Of Guild Wars" Book 2, map of Tyria, special Weapon or Armor upgrades, gaming codes and CD of bonus material.

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