
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Review

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
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Resident Evil 3: Nemisis is a most enjoyable and thoroughly terrifying game. If you love a good scare, along with a really fun game to play, this is your ticket! Although you don't have to have played any of the previousResident Evil games to enjoy this, it would help. In any event, thescenario puts you into the heart of a town, Racoon City, being overrun withflesh eating zombies, ghastly mutated monsters and a big nasty killingmachine by the name of Nemisis, all of whom have one thing on their minds:Kill you and make it very bloody and painful. Luckily, you, playing underthe characters of Jill Valentine and Carlos, in respective portions of thegame, come armed with some heavy duty firepower and the ability to outrunall of your attackers, even Nemisis if you're smart enough. This gamedoesn't shortchange you when it comes to horror; you will have the williesafter playing this. I certainly did. It also delivers the goods on the gorefactor too, so if you're squeamish, better to stay away, or look away atleast when you open fire on the walking dead. There are also puzzles totease your brain, as well as a good storyline worthy of a major motionpicture. George Romero, director of the Night of the Living Dead, alongwith it's two sequels, would be proud of this zombie fest. On the downside,most of my complaints are with the storyline, more then anything else. InResident Evil 2, certain things were explained and you understood thesinister greed behind the Umbrella Company's virus that turns people intozombies. Here, there doesn't seem to be much motivation behind a team ofcommandos, of which Carlos is one, for entering the fray. Also, thecharacter of Nemisis himself is never explained, as no mention is made ofwhere he comes from or why he's obsessed with killing the remainingS.T.A.R.S. rescue team, of which Jill is one. In Resident Evil 2, you foundout that the behemoth who kept popping up to kill you at certain points wasactually a scientist who injected himself with the G-virus. No such motivehere for Nemesis, but in the grand scheme of this game, it's a minor flaw.So, if you're wondering if you should invest in this game or not, I sayYES! Fire up your Playstation, Lock and load, try not to get eaten, and ifyou get really scared, leave the lights on when you play this!Welcome tothe world of survival horror...

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Product Description:
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis for Playstation. Rated M for Mature.

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