
Phantasy Star Online, Episode I & II Review

Phantasy Star Online, Episode I & II
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Hunting down Game Cube's only online title may be a chore that some people may not be interested in, while hunting down the broadband adapter is even worse... thankfully I found both, and had a credit card handy that day, and boy am I glad I did.
I was a fan of he Dreamcast original, and so when Episode 1&2 was announced for GameCube I was very happy. Regardless of what anybody has said about graphical enhancements in the past I cannot stress enough that there has been drastic enhancements to the graphics, to the camera, and best of all to the controller sensitivity, defending you character is so much easier because the game is a lot more responsive than its previous incarnations.
There are more character types to choose from, new strengths, new weaknesses, a few new monsters, etc, and it is plenty fun on its own without going online.
Sega also included the option for four-player action offline, which is also a blast.
There is one complaint I have for this game, and only one, the lack of a keyboard, or headset for communication. Despite the addition of hotkeys, conversation online is a big pain because typing through the control pad is too slow, and by the time I finish my sentence my comrades have already left the lobby. Nintendo needs to release a keyboard for the GameCube, even if it's only for PSO.
Be aware that this game is not out of print, its just that demand is extremely high, and during the next few months it may be difficult to find, but not impossible. Some websites are reporting that the product is discontinued, but this is not the case. The game is a lot of fun, and if you don't mind doing a little hunting for it it's well worth the price of admission. Hopefully this means Nintendo will get its act together with online games and start getting serious about an online plan.

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Product Description:
Play this award winning gaming phenomenon of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II with all-new modes and exclusive content. Play with the new split-screen feature allowing 4 friends to battle it out at the same time. Witness all-new character classes, weapons, items, enemies, quests and more. Episode II features an exclusive new full-length adventure.

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