
Pharaoh Review

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Where, oh where to begin?I dug Caesar III to the point where it caused me to lose sleep and affect my health.Being a huge fan of Egyptian history, I was salivating for months while Impressions developedPharaoh.
I was not disappointed.The graphics, while not your latest3D-Accelerated Zing-Boom flavor, are slick and very nice to look at.Thegameplay is all we remember from the Citybuilding series, plus a bunch ofnew surprises.There are many differences in the way you build a Romancity vs. an Egyptian city, and it's refreshing to see that Pharaoh goes foraccuracy in the little details.This is a detail-oriented game, after all. Floodplain farming, the lack of groundwater in the desert and monumentbuilding are some of the interesting differences between Pharaoh and CaesarIII.Management of religion is improved somewhat, though I still findmyself constructing "temple row" somewhere out of the way just tomake sure all the gods are equally appeased.
The biggest stumbling block,ironically, is also Pharaoh's greatest triumph: the accurate and detailedprocess it takes to build monuments.You don't just say "Oh, I wannabuild a pyramid" and plunk it down.No, first you must build theinfrastructure; guilds must cut and lay stone, peasants must prepare thebuild site and haul stone.Carpenters must build ramps, etc etc.Theprocess of building a pyramid is excellent, and most fun to watch... whenit goes as planned.
Unfortunately, the damn things take FOREVER to build! You may have met all your victory requirements for a given mission fourhours previous, but you're stuck waiting for that Pyramid to build. Sometimes carpenters just don't come build the ramps, and your stonehaulers are left stacked up waiting to deposit their loads (that stuff getsheavy after a few months!).
Game lengths aside, Pharaoh is as fun andaddicting as any strategy game I've played, and the city-building style isalways a refreshing change from the "Gather>Build Units>DestroyEnemy" formula that most RTS games employ.In Pharaoh, if you don'tmake your city work, or plan, or listen to your people, you'll be oneunhappy city manager.
This game rocks

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