
Nintendo Style Boutique - Nintendo DS Review

Nintendo Style Boutique - Nintendo DS
Average Reviews:

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This game was purchased for my daughter and since the cover of the image online was a bit different, we were concerned that it might be the wrong game. We were so pleased that it was indeed the exact game in the description and my daughter is in love with this game. The game was shipped on time and no issues with the packaging.

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Product Description:
Style Savvy combines creativity and fashion with a collection of trendy clothes, chic accessories and stylish shoes. As the owner of a clothing boutique, you must purchase inventory, monitor the store's funds and try to please a constant stream of customers who look to you for the best fashions. You can customize the look of your character with different head shapes, eyes and lips, or you can modify your look by changing your hair color, getting a new hairstyle or adding makeup Players -1 in main game, 2 in local wireless shopping, up to 4 in contests

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