
The Sims Online Review

The Sims Online
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At first, TSO sounded like a great game. After I bought and played the game, however, it seems a little...well...pointless. You go around to other properties and make "money" by playing mini-games (that are strange, time consuming and not fun). Then you use the money to buy clothes, furninshings and building materials for a house. And then...not much happens after that. I wouldn't even categorize this as a game. There isn't really an obejct to it.
If you're considering buying the game to make friends and meet people, use AIM. TSO is the same concept except you see a fictional image of the person you're talking to. Not too exciting there. And all the interactions get really old after a few days...heck, the whole game gets old after a few days. Not to mention the monthly fee you have to pay to play. Definetly not worth it...

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